When considering the purchase of a coffee grinder, two prominent options resonate with coffee aficionados: the Fellow Ode and the Baratza Encore. These grinders cater to different needs and preferences, presenting a challenging decision for anyone looking to enhance their coffee brewing experience at home. The Fellow Ode captivates users with its minimalist design and boasts a suite of features, including 31 grind settings, which appeals to those who value precision and modern aesthetics.

On the other side of the spectrum, the Baratza Encore has established itself as a reliable and accessible option for both beginners and seasoned coffee enthusiasts. Known for its versatility and ease of use, the Encore offers an array of grind settings suitable for a multitude of brewing methods. Despite its simplicity, the Encore’s consistency in grind size distribution remains a cornerstone of its widespread popularity.

The choice between the Fellow Ode and the Baratza Encore ultimately comes down to individual needs, such as the desired grind quality, speed, noise level, and budget constraints. Whether it’s the quiet operation and speed of the Ode or the reliability and even grounds of the Encore, these grinders represent different approaches to the daily ritual of coffee preparation.

Comparing Fellow Ode and Baratza Encore


In the realm of coffee grinders, two models stand out for their capabilities and value: the Fellow Ode and the Baratza Encore. This section precisely compares their attributes, from the aesthetics to the performance, offering a clear view for consumers.

Design and Build Quality

The Fellow Ode boasts a modern, minimalist design with a focus on form and function, using premium materials for both durability and style. The Baratza Encore features a more basic design but is well-regarded for its build quality and reliability.

Grind Quality and Consistency

For those seeking uniform grind consistency, the Fellow Ode’s 31 grind settings allow for a high level of precision. The Encore, while offering 40 grind settings, is sometimes noted for less consistency in particle size compared to the Ode.

Burr Types and Performance

While the Ode utilizes flat burrs known for uniform grinding especially suited for drip coffee and AeroPress, the Encore is equipped with conical burrs that are generally preferred for French press and espresso due to their performance and grind quality.

Ease of Use and Maintenance

Both grinders are user-friendly with straightforward interfaces, but the Ode provides a slight edge in convenience with a timer and auto-stop feature. Cleaning and maintenance, however, is relatively simple for both, making them suitable for daily use.

Price Considerations and Value for Money

The Encore provides good value for money at a lower price point, making it accessible for those on a tighter budget. The Ode is priced higher, but for that cost, it includes additional features and robust build quality.

Additional Features and Versatility

Among the additional features, the Fellow Ode’s lower noise level and the ability to accommodate a variety of brewing methods add to its versatility. The Encore is less versatile in grind size but still adaptable to most pourover methods, including the V60.

Coffee Grinder for Brewing Methods

The Ode excels in producing a consistent grind for more refined brewing methods, such as the V60 and AeroPress, whereas the Encore is a tried-and-true option for a wide range of methods, even if slightly less consistent.

Each grinder has its strengths, tailored to different preferences and brewing methods, ensuring that consumers can select the best grinder for their needs.
