Oatly has become a popular brand among non-dairy milk drinkers, known for its range of oat milk products that cater to a variety of preferences. The company’s line includes the original Oatly and the Oatly Barista Edition, each having its distinct characteristics and uses. Consumers often wonder about the differences between these two choices, as both promise the creamy texture and nutritional benefits associated with oat milk.

The main distinction lies in their formulation, with the Oatly Barista Edition being specifically tailored for use in coffee and other hot beverages. This version is designed to froth and steam similarly to traditional dairy milk, making it ideal for creating professional-grade lattes and cappuccinos at home. In contrast, the standard Oatly is a versatile all-rounder that can be used just as effectively in cereal, baking, or simply enjoyed as a cold drink.

Understanding the differences between Oatly and Oatly Barista is essential for consumers who are looking to make informed decisions about which version to incorporate into their daily routines. While both deliver on the taste and sustainability promise that Oatly has become known for, the Barista Edition’s extra creaminess and specific coffee compatibility offer a specialized option for those particular about their hot beverages.

Overview of Oatly and Oatly Barista Editions

Oatly has established itself as a prominent name in the non-dairy milk market. Originating from Sweden, the company offers a range of plant-based milks designed to cater to various preferences and dietary needs.

Regular Oat Milk: Oatly’s regular oat milk is crafted for general consumption, be it for cereal, smoothies, or direct drinking. It is known for its creamy texture and is marketed as a versatile, everyday milk alternative that provides a balance of taste and health benefits.

Barista Edition: On the other hand, the Oatly Barista Edition is specifically formulated to satisfy the needs of coffee enthusiasts and professional baristas. The core difference lies in its ability to foam and steam similarly to cow’s milk, making it ideal for lattes and cappuccinos.


  • Texture: The Barista Edition is creamier, which contributes to a rich mouthfeel when foamed.
  • Performance: Designed to not curdle in hot beverages, the Barista Edition holds up well when mixed with the acidity and heat of coffee.
  • Use: While the Barista Edition excels in coffee, it can also be enjoyed in other drinks. Regular oat milk can be used universally but may not froth as well for coffee art.

Oatly’s rise in popularity can be attributed to its commitment to sustainability and health-conscious formulations. Both Oatly and the Barista Edition are free of dairy, soy, and gluten, making them suitable for a wide range of consumers seeking non-dairy milk options.

Nutritional Profiles and Ingredients

In this section, we compare the ingredients and nutritional content of Oatly’s standard oat milk and its Barista Edition, focusing on specifics such as vitamin content, sugar levels, fiber, minerals, and other nutritional facts.

Ingredients Comparison

Oatly and Oatly Barista Edition both start with a base of water and oats. The Barista Edition, however, is designed to foam better for coffee beverages and thus includes additional ingredients like dipotassium phosphate, which acts as a stabilizer to prevent separation in the presence of acid, such as coffee. It may also contain a higher fat content to enhance creaminess and foamability. Both types contain sea salt to enhance flavor and can include a range of vitamins and minerals like calcium carbonate, tricalcium phosphate, vitamin A, vitamin D2, riboflavin, and vitamin B12 to mimic the nutritious profile of cow’s milk.

Nutritional Content

Regarding nutritional content, Oatly’s regular and Barista Edition milks typically show differences in calories, protein, fat, and fiber content.

  • Calories: Barista versions might be slightly higher in calories due to added fats.
  • Protein: The protein content is generally similar between the two, contributing to a person’s daily protein intake.
  • Fat: Barista Edition often has more fat, which includes higher saturated fat levels, to enable better frothing.
  • Sugar Content: Both versions may contain some sugars, as oats naturally contain sugars that are released during processing. However, neither is high in sugar content when compared to sweetened dairy or non-dairy alternatives.
  • Fiber: Both provide a source of dietary fiber, including soluble fiber, though amounts can vary slightly.
  • Minerals: Both milks are often enriched with minerals such as calcium and potassium, and may sometimes contain iron.

Both varieties offer nutrition facts that promote them as healthful alternatives to dairy milk, fortified with necessary nutrients such as vitamin D, calcium, and vitamin B12. The Barista Edition is tailored for coffee aficionados aiming for that creamy froth, while the standard Oatly milk is a versatile option for a variety of uses.

Taste, Consistency, and Usage


Oatly and Oatly Barista serve different preferences and culinary needs based on their distinct taste profiles, textural qualities, and versatility in various applications, especially when it comes to coffee-based beverages.

Taste and Flavor Profiles

Oatly: It boasts a unique toasted-oat flavor that stands out among plant-based milks. This distinctive taste is often described as nuttier than dairy milk, offering a new dimension to the flavor palette.

Oatly Barista: Designed particularly for coffee enthusiasts, this edition enriches beverages with a creamier and more balanced experience, preventing the overpowering of coffee’s nuanced flavors.

Texture and Consistency

Oatly: Presents a smooth and naturally creamy texture, enhancing the mouthfeel when consumed alone or added to cereal or smoothies.

Oatly Barista: Its richer fat content elevates the consistency to a level reminiscent of whole milk, making it particularly adept at producing foamy textures that are ideal for frothy coffee creations like cappuccinos and lattes.

Coffee Compatibility and Use in Recipes

Oatly: Suitable for general use in coffee, yet may not achieve the desired froth for more intricate drinks.

Oatly Barista: Engineered with baristas in mind, it contains pH buffers that prevent curdling and help it hold foam better when used for iced coffee, lattes, and other specialty beverages. It’s also versatile in baked goods and ice cream recipes where a creamier texture is preferred.

Health and Dietary Considerations

When exploring the health and dietary aspects of Oatly and its Barista edition, it is important to focus on the vegan credentials and allergen content, along with the health benefits provided by the nutrients in these oat drinks.

Vegan and Allergen Information

Oatly products are designed to be vegan-friendly, containing no animal products. Both the deluxe and barista editions are created with gluten-free oats, which is significant for those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. However, individuals should always check product labels as processing practices can change.

  • Nuts and Soy: Oatly drinks typically do not contain nuts or soy, making them a safe option for people with such allergies.
  • Tech in Production: Advanced production techniques ensure that the final product maintains its vegan and gluten-free integrity.

Health Benefits

Oatly oat drinks offer various health benefits due to the nutritional content of oats, which are a good source of minerals.

  • Minerals: They contain essential minerals like calcium and iron, which are often fortified in Oatly products to match or surpass the mineral content found in cow’s milk.
  • Oat Milk vs. Almond or Coconut Milk: Oat milk generally offers more fiber than almond or coconut milks and can be enriched with additional nutrients to support a balanced diet.

Oats are naturally dairy-free, lactose-free, and do not contain cholesterol, making Oatly’s offerings a heart-healthy alternative to traditional dairy. However, the calorie and fat content can vary between the standard and barista editions, with the Barista edition being formulated to create a creamier texture and foam well for coffee beverages.

Product Varieties and Availability

Oatly offers consumers a variety of oat drink options catering to different preferences and uses, including the popular Oatly and the specially formulated Oatly Barista editions. Each product is developed to meet specific taste profiles and performance characteristics, ensuring that there’s an Oatly product suitable for everyone’s needs.

Flavor Variations

Oatly’s range of flavors includes both sweetened and unsweetened options, appealing to those who prefer a more natural taste as well as those who enjoy a sweeter drink. The Oatly Barista edition, created for coffee enthusiasts, is designed to foam well for lattes and cappuccinos. It contains specific oils that contribute to its creamy texture and ability to froth, mimicking the qualities of traditional whole milk.

  • Original: A balanced taste suitable for a variety of uses.
  • Chocolate: A sweetened flavor option for those who enjoy a hint of cocoa.
  • Deluxe: Compared to the Barista edition, it offers a different creaminess suitable for non-coffee beverages.

Packaging and Shelf Life

The packaging of Oatly products is designed for both convenience and sustainability. They offer their oat-milk in tetra packs which helps in extending the shelf life and ease of storage. The Oatly Barista edition is also available in similar packaging, highlighting its long-lasting freshness and its capacity to maintain quality over time. All Oatly products are free from GMOs, ensuring that consumers are getting a product made with non-genetically modified ingredients.

  • Tetra Pack Sizes: Available in single units or multi-pack options.
  • Shelf Life: Extended due to ultra-high temperature processing (UHT), which preserves the oat drink without the need for refrigeration until opened.

By providing different flavors and packaging options that enhance both taste and convenience, Oatly ensures that its oat drinks, including the barista edition, cater to a wide audience, offering a dairy-free alternative that doesn’t compromise on taste or functionality.
